how can i decode all the numbers and letters than come up and make no sense at all when i open a document?
2009-11-19 10:43:30 UTC
you know all the ones that happen when (i think) the file is in the wrong format. it looks something like this:

bplist00Ô¼ID3vTALBFrenchPRIVPeakValue!lPRIVAverageLevel{ TPE1 coolgorillaÿûpÄInfo/:Æ  &&+++1166;;AAFFLLQQWWW\\bbggllrrww}}‚‚‚ˆˆ““˜˜££¨¨®®®³³¹¹¾¾ÄÄÉÉÎÎÔÔÙÙÙßßääêêïïõõúúÿÿXLAME3.92 Ã`$ A:Æ/jªÿÿûpÄÎ!6€ Q1eÛ0ðX ÀhÙÿ C_ÀD.~ @+ãþnpðJ?ð‘…ìy˜”ÿü”¼Fǘ+ãÿùòš Ç`äÿÿÇ8ãà„P Æfÿÿÿ…àL £Œ—qØ<Ì{ÿÿÿþâV;‚eórápÐ{—ܸ\ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿA4ݾnåÂáà H Œçt¨÷AðíH%º³”±xѸ¡‰+Lv M ×éaúzƒk*“jµ6^)¼N×D¢B¢ŠE†*ñE–I‰ . Ã‰gÖš߇÷¨5Ð䉾±lïÀ×Ω÷÷œM‰5ÿtßÕソŸþw¼JCØ8Py…ÖlPÌâ€rUüÿý>fk(§‘”`Fš*ºaŠÃ‰T³áŽXÆ¥Æï ZÕÁXÿûpÄ‚“%OP 0Ùì,¬i”™xËL‡nY†š'ÃÅøˆêŒ]Rl'@à/Ÿ‡¡ôOR™.gºí.Jè̈Ѐ8¥ŒÎÓ>r°ÃKí–¨‚y*-õÖ«Hé™Ò‚»ægýâ¦ÎÕ={‰ÝKí|›¼ìœÁi·¿” FcœúȘ¿¿óv€9°““ :ù»Ý¹þ%üRºËÌŽÆÁ8ßœofÓDê™@atÃb²±z#8Ä6'3¶7wñQ–îØä¨T9ˆÖrFÊ?~ÃüØülgÏ¿ò)”~™xN³Ãîë:js3oÁDŒyC„!Ëººlñ> Sæ2Ð#k zD$UN€ óÁ¢¡@a,–R3ÕýÜÿ¦oÚþdÒÛ—+i*&SdPÁ¢†õëÿûrĐ)meI¤ËÉê¬ì *ï²®m‰,Ù‚)b&’Ž€)2RHbÑ'ìB²3Qdã;ÿ»™µUk~|akû_çÖ¹æ0ҝ~MôÍšSî?…Œ›ZBó(µò.Wï?ptÔ%ôÌo¬‘S Óè.û¿¶:¾âÊMv¥t–:¼ $è|&"«Œ+°%³6·º0ŸQ§À[J)Š90€>àÈ£h©Ê?u[=†¦²½”Ž¶ÿçãUn>[n·~Úß~\E’º•Dòüï¯ý÷í3¨æ°\X¸agЯ–@^ÀX YX§I•jRýGpØX¦ª.+ᨸù’HŠÃƒ©IÜ}²4YVßv7ùl¢1‰YȲk­uÙÉ©‹Bc³ÎÅ­¶;Í׿;ÛRÔŽ.ì¤æÿûpÄ,€ñwi¦¬ËÊ,ì]asE×Ûl@üEPÏU§¦ÞR/ŽÙ¹õz†°QŒHÊ£v·Æ>¾Y TðBèÚL´’´×g©IÒ8î­Š™ÓZ¼`ãÇ‹ (pb ÌÏPº© ýHqšõâßÝŠð‹é P6i D)8l¤¢hT§)qs·«2q {ÜØ.Ógœ‹Ø·}þ»³ZXïßϝoÙûöm½
Three answers:
2009-11-19 11:02:01 UTC
Depends what the file type is and what you are trying to open it in.

Basically you are telling your computer that the file is a different file type to what it actually is and forcing it to open.

Common example is MS Word 07 has the file extension .docx whereas the old 2003 one uses .doc without the x. Looks like above if you try to open a .docx in the older version of word
2009-11-19 19:22:35 UTC
It looks like you are opening a binary file with a text editor like WordPad.

Windows does not know which program to use to open the file so it is using WordPad.

You need to to right click the file and select Open With and then the name of the program that open this type of file.
chris k
2009-11-19 18:51:25 UTC
This happens when for sa if you are on a windows operating system, you try to open a Mac file. It cannot read it. Vice-Versa if you are on a mac Os and try to open a windows file. the only way you can change it is to just find the correct file type.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.