summary of evolution of computer?
2006-06-19 22:47:15 UTC
summary? thye one with 5 generations
Twelve answers:
2006-06-19 22:50:55 UTC

Gaming today is a widely recognized part of our cultural landscape. But those of us over thirty are just old enough to remember a time before gaming, before digital entertainment invaded the arcades, our computers and our homes.

Gaming itself is as old as history. Artifacts from ancient Sumeria and Egypt have shown that our ancestors enjoyed playing board games thousands of years ago. But electronic games required the invention of electronic computers. The earliest computers were slow, failure-prone monsters that took over entire rooms and had less power than a modern pocket calculator. Still, early programmers on these machines felt compelled to waste time by making these computers do things like playing tic-tac-toe. After World War II, electronic computers moved out of the realm of cutting-edge laboratories and into universities and large corporations. Many university students became the first game programmers, transforming their fantasy and sci-fi imaginations into digital adventures.

The concept of hooking up an electronic game system to a television set was invented by Ralph Bauer in the early 1950s. Later he took his ideas to the TV company Magnavox, which released a refined version of his "Brown Box" prototype as the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972. The Odyssey was primitive, displaying only spots of light on the TV screen, and it required translucent plastic overlays to simulate the appearance of a game. Still, the revolution was underway, and there was to be no stopping it.

The first wildly popular home console system was the Atari 2600, released in 1977. It used plug-in cartridges to play many different types of games, and thanks to the popularity of Space Invaders, it became a best seller. Computer games, written largely for the Apple ][ and TRS-80 computers, were also taking off at this time. While the console industry experienced a crash in 1983, it soon recovered and both computer and console games never looked back.

There are many books and articles on the history of video games. But one area that I felt was not sufficiently explored was how games tended to be categorized in certain genres, and how the genres themselves had evolved and changed over the years. Besides the difference in graphics, was playing tennis on an Atari 2600 significantly different from playing the same game on a Playstation 2? Many old-school gamers often lament the focus of graphics over game play in modern titles, but was it really true that only graphics got better over time? I decided to find out.

Please note: The categories and games I decided to review are by no means exhaustive. In selecting eleven categories, I have left out a few that some will feel are significant. Also, due to time restrictions, I decided to choose only six games for each category. The choices of games are not random, and are not necessarily fully representative of all genres and platforms.

Of the 66 games reviewed here, I have personally played 50 of them, or 76 percent. I played over half of these at the time they were first released, and over the years have managed to finish 15 of them, although not all the games have an ending as such. 19 of the 66 games are console or arcade games, or 29 percent, so some may feel consoles are underrepresented in the list. However, if you count games that have been ported at some point to game consoles, 31 or 47 percent fall into that category. In only one game out of 66 was I a member of the development team.

With that said, let's jump right in to the genres and see how they have evolved over the years. When looking at the screen shots, make sure to hover your mouse over top to see if a higher-resolution image is available.

1. First Generation (1939-1954) - vacuum tube

1937 - John V. Atanasoff designed the first digital electronic computer

1939 - Atanasoff and Clifford Berry demonstrate in Nov. the ABC prototype

1941 - Konrad Zuse in Germany developed in secret the Z3

1943 - In Britain, the Colossus was designed in secret at Bletchley Park to decode German messages

1944 - Howard Aiken developed the Harvard Mark I mechanical computer for the Navy

1945 - John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert built ENIAC at U of PA for the U.S. Army

1946 - Mauchly and Eckert start Electronic Control Co., received grant from National Bureau of Standards to build a ENIAC-type computer with magnetic tape input/output, renamed UNIVAC in 1947 but run out of money, formed in Dec. 1947 the new company Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation (EMCC).

1948 - Howard Aiken developed the Harvard Mark III electronic computer with 5000 tubes

1948 - U of Manchester in Britain developed the SSEM Baby electronic computer with CRT memory

1949 - Mauchly and Eckert in March successfully tested the BINAC stored-program computer for Northrop Aircraft, with mercury delay line memory and a primitive magentic tape drive; Remington Rand bought EMCC Feb. 1950 and provided funds to finish UNIVAC

1950- Commander William C. Norris led Engineering Research Associates to develop the Atlas, based on the secret code-breaking computers used by the Navy in WWII; the Atlas was 38 feet long, 20 feet wide, and used 2700 vacuum tubes

1951 - S. A. Lebedev developed the MESM computer in Russia

1951 - Remington Rand successfully tested UNIVAC March 30, 1951, and announced to the public its sale to the Census Bureau June 14, 1951, the first commercial computer to feature a magnetic tape storage system, the eight UNISERVO tape drives that stood separate from the CPU and control console on the other side of a garage-size room. Each tape drive was six feet high and three feet wide, used 1/2-inch metal tape of nickel-plated bronze 1200 feet long, recorded data on eight channels at 100 inches per second with a transfer rate of 7,200 characters per second. The complete UNIVAC system weighed 29,000 pounds, included 5200 vacuum tubes, and an offline typewriter-printer UNIPRINTER with an attached metal tape drive. Later, a punched card-to-tape machine was added to read IBM 80-column and Remington Rand 90-column cards.

1952 - Remington Rand bought the ERA in Dec. 1951 and combined the UNIVAC product line in 1952: the ERA 1101 computer became the UNIVAC 1101. The UNIVAC I was used in November to calculate the presidential election returns and successfully predict the winner, although it was not trusted by the TV networks who refused to use the prediction.

1954 - The SAGE aircraft-warning system was the largest vacuum tube computer system ever built. It began in 1954 at MIT's Lincoln Lab with funding from the Air Force. The first of 23 Direction Centers went online in Nov. 1956, and the last in 1962. Each Center had two 55,000-tube computers built by IBM, MIT, AND Bell Labs. The 275-ton computers known as "Clyde" were based on Jay Forrester's Whirlwind I and had magnetic core memory, magentic drum and magnetic tape storage. The Centers were connected by an early network, and pioneered development of the modem and graphics display.

Atanasoff-Berry Computer 1939, from IEEE

magnetic drum memory of the Atanasoff-Berry Computer 1939, from Smithsonian NMAH

Whirlwind core memory 1951, from IEEE

first computer bug 1945, from IEEE

UNIVAC 1951, from Smithsonian NMAH

UNIVAC I ca. 1955, from Smithsonian

UNIVAC ad 1955/01/17 from Time

UNIVAC ad 1955/02/28 from Time

UNIVAC I of 1951 was the first business computer made in the U.S. "Many people saw a computer for the first time on television when UNIVAC I predicted the outcome of the 1952 presidential elections."

Bendix G-15 of 1956, inexpensive at $60,000, for science and industry but could also be used by a single user; several hundred were built - used magnetic tape drive and key punch terminal

IBM 650 that "became the most popular medium-sized computer in America in the 1950's" - rental cost was $5000 per month - 1500 were installed - able to read punched cards or magnetic tape - used rotating magnetic drum main memory unit that could store 4000 words, from Smithsonian NMAH


2.Second Generation Computers (1954 -1959) - transistor

Tom Watson, Jr.

1950 - National Bureau of Standards (NBS) introduced its Standards Eastern Automatic Computer (SEAC) with 10,000 newly developed germanium diodes in its logic circuits, and the first magnetic disk drive designed by Jacob Rabinow

1953 - Tom Watson, Jr., led IBM to introduce the model 604 computer, its first with transistors, that became the basis of the model 608 of 1957, the first solid-state computer for the commercial market. Transistors were expensive at first, cost $8 vs. $.75 for a vacuum tube. But Watson was impressed with the new transistor radios and gave them to his engineers to study. IBM also developed the 650 Magnetic Drum Calculator, the first by IBM to use magnetic drum memory rather punched cards, and began shipment of the 701 scientific "Defense Calculator" that was the first of the Model 700 line that dominated main frame computers for the next decade

1955 - IBM introduced the 702 business computer; Watson on the cover of Time magazine March 28

1956 - Bendix G-15A small business computer sold for only $45,000, designed by Harry Huskey of NBS

1959 - General Electric Corporation delivered its Electronic Recording Machine Accounting (ERMA) computing system to the Bank of America in California; based on a design by SRI, the ERMA system employed Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) as the means to capture data from the checks and introduced automation in banking that continued with ATM machines in 1974

transistor, from Smithsonian NMAH

"First transistor (model), December 1947. Constructed by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley at Bell Laboratories," from Smithsonian NMAH

Regency transistor radio 1954 (TL), Zenith transistor hearing aid 1952, from Smithsonian NMAH

Regency transistor radio 1954, from Smithsonian NMAH

Philco and Emerson transistor radios, from Smithsonian NMAH

transistor radios, from Smithsonian NMAH

transistor radios, from Smithsonian NMAH

Maico hearing aid before and after transistors, from Fortune 1953/03

Morton, Shockley, White who developed transistor, from Fortune 1953/03

RCA transistor ad, from Fortune 1953/03


3. Third Generation Computers (1959 -1971) - IC

1959 - Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments patented the first integrated circuit in Feb. 1959; Kilby had made his first germanium IC in Oct. 1958; Robert Noyce at Fairchild used planar process to make connections of components within a silicon IC in early 1959; the first commercial product using IC was the hearing aid in Dec. 1963; General Instrument made LSI chip (100+ components) for Hammond organs 1968

1964 - IBM produced SABRE, the first airline reservation tracking system for American Airlines; IBM announced the System/360 all-purpose computer, using 8-bit character word length (a "byte") that was pioneered in the 7030 of April 1961 that grew out of the AF contract of Oct. 1958 following Sputnik to develop transistor computers for BMEWS

1968 - DEC introduced the first "mini-computer", the PDP-8, named after the mini-skirt; DEC was founded in 1957 by Kenneth H. Olsen who came for the SAGE project at MIT and began sales of the PDP-1 in 1960

1969 - Development began on ARPAnet, funded by the DOD

1971 - Intel produced large scale integrated (LSI) circuits that were used in the digital delay line, the first digital audio device

IC, from Smithsonian NMAH

Polaroid IC 1961, from Smithsonian NMAH

DEC PDP-1 of 1960, from CHM

DEC PDP8/E minicomputer 1973 from SDCM - cu

Anderson Jacobson ADC 260 acoustic coupler 1963, from SDCM

early transistor calculators - Casio "Mini" used chips from TI (left); TI SR-10 calculator showing circuit in transparent case, used a single chip 1972, from Smithsonian NMAH

early transistor calculators - Casio "Mini" used chips from TI (left); TI SR-10 calculator showing circuit in transparent case, used a single chip 1972, from Smithsonian NMAH

IC, from Smithsonian NMAH

IC, from Smithsonian NMAH


4. Fourth Generation (1971-Present) - microprocessor

1971 - Gilbert Hyatt at Micro Computer Co. patented the microprocessor; Ted Hoff at Intel in February introduced the 4-bit 4004, a VSLI of 2300 components, for the Japanese company Busicom to create a single chip for a calculator; IBM introduced the first 8-inch "memory disk", as it was called then, or the "floppy disk" later; Hoffmann-La Roche patented the passive LCD display for calculators and watches; in November Intel announced the first microcomputer, the MCS-4; Nolan Bushnell designed the first commercial arcade video game "Computer Space"

1972 - Intel made the 8-bit 8008 and 8080 microprocessors; Gary Kildall wrote his Control Program/Microprocessor (CP/M) disk operating system to provide instructions for floppy disk drives to work with the 8080 processor. He offered it to Intel, but was turned down, so he sold it on his own, and soon CP/M was the standard operating system for 8-bit microcomputers; Bushnell created Atari and introduced the successful "Pong" game

1973 - IBM developed the first true sealed hard disk drive, called the "Winchester" after the rifle company, using two 30 Mb platters; Robert Metcalfe at Xerox PARC created Ethernet as the basis for a local area network, and later founded 3COM

1974 - Xerox developed the Alto workstation at PARC, with a monitor, a graphical user interface, a mouse, and an ethernet card for networking

1975 - the Altair personal computer is sold in kit form, and influenced Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

1976 - Jobs and Wozniak developed the Apple personal computer; Alan Shugart introduced the 5.25-inch floppy disk

1977 - Nintendo in Japan began to make computer games that stored the data on chips inside a game cartridge that sold for around $40 but only cost a few dollars to manufacture. It introduced its most popular game "Donkey Kong" in 1981, Super Mario Bros in 1985

1978 - Visicalc spreadsheet software was written by Daniel Bricklin and Bob Frankston

1979 - Micropro released Wordstar that set the standard for word processing software

1980 - IBM signed a contract with the Microsoft Co. of Bill Gates and Paul Allen and Steve Ballmer to supply an operating system for IBM's new PC model. Microsoft paid $25,000 to Seattle Computer for the rights to QDOS that became Microsoft DOS, and Microsoft began its climb to become the dominant computer company in the world.

1984 - Apple Computer introduced the Macintosh personal computer January 24.

1987 - Bill Atkinson of Apple Computers created a software program called HyperCard that was bundled free with all Macintosh computers. This program for the first time made hypertext popular and useable to a wide number of people. Ted Nelson coined the terms "hypertext" and "hypermedia" in 1965 based on the pre-computer ideas of Vannevar Bush published in his "As We May Think" article in the July 1945 issue of The Atlantic Monthly.

Intel 4004 microprocessor in 1971, from Intel Museum

Apple I of 1976 , from Smithsonian NMAH

Wozniak and Jobs introduced Apple II in 1977, from History of Apple

MITS Altair 8800A 1975 from SDCM - cu

Apple II personal computer 1978 with 5.25-inch Disk drives, from SDCM - cu

IBM 5151 personal computer 1981, from SDCM - cu

Seagate ST-251 5-inch 40 MB hard drive 1978, from SDCM - cu

Memorex Model 101 hard drive, 10 MB, 1983, from SDCM - cu


5. Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond)

1991 - World-Wide Web (WWW) was developed by Tim Berners-Lee and released by CERN.

1993 - The first Web browser called Mosaic was created by student Marc Andreesen and programmer Eric Bina at NCSA in the first 3 months of 1993. The beta version 0.5 of X Mosaic for UNIX was released Jan. 23 1993 and was instant success. The PC and Mac versions of Mosaic followed quickly in 1993. Mosaic was the first software to interpret a new IMG tag, and to display graphics along with text. Berners-Lee objected to the IMG tag, considered it frivolous, but image display became one of the most used features of the Web. The Web grew fast because the infrastructure was already in place: the Internet, desktop PC, home modems connected to online services such as AOL and Compuserve

1994 - Netscape Navigator 1.0 was released Dec. 1994, and was given away free, soon gaining 75% of world browser market.

1996 - Microsoft failed to recognized the importance of the Web, but finally released the much imporoved browser Explorer 3.0 in the summer.

Nokia 9210 Communicator is part of the latest wave of web cell phones

The raveMP player sells for $269 and can store more than an hour of MP3 music

world's first production microchips made of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) transistors and copper wiring by IBM (AP 5/22/00)

body scans to buy clothes

Microsoft Reader

Michael Crichton displays a handheld computer with his latest bestselling novel "Timeline" in Microsoft Reader form on the screen (AP 5/23/00)

digital insertion ad

digital insertion ad

Jeff Bezos of

wearable computers

Apple G4


2016-03-15 14:04:42 UTC
What they're referring to the "dissent from Darwin" campaign where they were able to find ~800 scientists who agreed with the statement, "We are skeptical of the claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged." The thing is, all scienists are skeptics; that's what they're paid to do. They are also paid to carefully examine the evidence for any theory and they always encourage such behavior. So, the statement actually doesn't even address if they disagree with Darwinian evolution at all. Even if it did, NCSE did a tongue-and-cheek campaign called "Project Steve" where they found scientists whose first names are Steve who agree that evolution by natural selection is the best model to describe the diversity and complexity of life. That list currently has over 1100 names on it. Remember that this is only scientists with the name "Steve," it's pretty clear that there is no fleeing in droves nor any controversy among scientists on this topic.
2006-06-19 22:55:22 UTC
First generation (1939-1954): Vacuum tubes

Second generation (1954-1959): Transistors

Third generation (1959-1971): Integrated circuits

Fourth generation (1971-Present): Microprocessors

Fifth generation (Present-Beyond): Interaction
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2017-03-03 16:16:48 UTC
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2017-01-30 03:26:39 UTC
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2016-08-08 04:51:54 UTC
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2006-06-19 22:51:13 UTC
a useful link here
2016-09-19 15:58:34 UTC
Good question, I was wondering the same thing myself
2006-06-19 22:51:16 UTC
2006-06-20 00:07:11 UTC
try this link
2016-08-23 04:10:20 UTC
it depends...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.